Nov 17, 2023
Profile view of a parked, silver 2024 Jeep Compass parked in the grass with trees in the background. | Auto service in Altoona, PA | Courtesy Motor Sales

No matter how robust your vehicle is, tire health is crucial for maintaining it. Tires are literally where the rubber meets the road, so ensuring they are in top condition is vital. If you’re wondering whether it’s time to visit the Chrysler dealership for new tires, here are some signs to watch out for.

Shrinking Tread Depth

The tread on your tires is what provides traction, keeping you safe on wet and slippery roads. Over time, tire tread wears down, reducing your vehicle’s grip and increasing the risk of accidents. An easy way to check your tread depth is called the ‘penny test.’ Insert a penny into the tread groove of your tire with Honest Abe upside-down. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, it’s time to replace your tires.

Uneven Wear

Take a look at the wear patterns on your tires. Are they wearing down evenly, or do you see more wear on one side than the other? Uneven wear may indicate improper alignment, incorrect tire inflation, or problems with your suspension. Tires that wear unevenly are going to wear out faster, so if you notice uneven wear you should have your tires inspected.

Cracks in the Sidewall

Visible cracks in the tire’s sidewall are a sign of aging rubber that could lead to leaks or, worse, tire failure. Over time, exposure to heat and sunlight can degrade the rubber, making it brittle and prone to cracking. If you see any cracks in your tires, it’s time to visit the dealership for a new set.

Bulges and Blisters

Sometimes the outer surface of the tire develops weak spots, leading to bulges or blistering. These weak areas can cause a sudden blowout, especially under the stress of high-speed driving. If you notice any such protuberances on your tires, they need to be replaced immediately.

Vibration While Driving

Feeling vibrations in the steering wheel that aren’t caused by rough road conditions is a sign that your tires might be unevenly worn or damaged. Excessive vibration can also be a symptom of misaligned or unbalanced tires. While balancing might resolve the issue, it’s also possible that your tires are worn out and need replacement.

Come By the Chrysler Dealership for New Tires

When it’s time for a fresh set of tires, your local dealership is the best place to go. Our technicians are experts in Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and RAM vehicles, and can recommend the best tires for you based on your driving habits.

If you notice any signs that your tires aren’t performing their best, don’t hesitate to come in for a professional tire inspection. Drive with peace of mind knowing your vehicle is equipped to handle the road ahead. Call Courtesy Motor Sales Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM to schedule a tire service for your vehicle.